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  • Internship during COVID-19
    Internship during COVID-19

    Hugo Bohy from the Faculté Polytechnique of the University of Mons recently joined our lab as an intern. In the March NERF newsletter, he talks about what it’s like doing an internship externally during the ongoing pandemic. “Even though it is not the same working from home, being part of NERF has been a really exciting…

  • Congratulations to Dr. Wouters
    Congratulations to Dr. Wouters

    Congrats to Dr. Jasper Wouters, joint PhD in the Kloosterman lab and the Bertrand lab at ESAT, for successfully defending his PhD on ‘Design and Validation of Low-complexity Methods for Resolving Spike Overlap in Neuronal Spike Sorting’.

  • Science outreach with Lies Deceuninck
    Science outreach with Lies Deceuninck

    To have a conversation and interact in a meaningful way, you have to be constantly aware of what has already been said. You have to remember the recent past. But how does that work? How does our brain create a memory? Lies Deceuninck, PhD student in our lab, explains it in this 3-minute video for…

  • Where do rats think they are?
    Where do rats think they are?

    The rat in a maze may be one of the most classic research motifs in brain science, but together with international collaborators we describe a new innovation in Cell Reports that shows just how far such experiments are still pushing the cutting edge of technology and neuroscience. In recent years, scientists have shown that by…

  • What makes memories stronger?
    What makes memories stronger?

    Our new paper on hippocampal replay is out. Congrats to Frédéric Michon and the rest of the team! A team of scientists led by Fabian Kloosterman found that highly demanding and rewarding experiences result in stronger memories. By studying navigation in rats, the researchers traced back the mechanism behind this selective memory enhancement to so-called replay processes in…